Saturday, June 25, 2011

My 2011 All-Star!

One of the reasons I am so busy is softball. So I am proud that my younger daughter made the team her first year of being eligible! Our league isn't very good on doing all-star pictures, so of course I had to snap my own for memories :)

We are so proud of Bean and everything that she did this year!

More Outdoors

I love outdoor sessions. But lately they have been very trying because of our lovely wind. Many thanks to this family for braving the wind and we had a really nice session!

I hope to see you back in the studio very soon~

Birthday party season is going strong - we are headed out to one very soon! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer fun!

Well, this session was on a beautiful yet very windy day. The wind just never stops here!
These siblings were a lot of fun, and my client even brought along some bubbles to play with!

Thank you for such great behavior and helping me get some exercise!!!


Today is Friday (TGIF!) we have a break from softball all stars so we are headed to a few birthday parties this weekend and then we play our games on Sunday. The adult rec season is coming to a close!
We also bought a new pool (its filling up as I type this) so I am looking forward to lots of BBQs and swimming this summer!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

I want to wish this little guy a very Happy Birthday! I've been taking his picture since he was born and it has been so awesome to see him grow up!

You are such a big little guy!!!

Thanks so much for letting me photograph your son throughout the year!


We are officially into summer, and it sure is HOT! My favorite time of the year, though!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know I'm skipping around, but I just had to share. On Sunday, my daughter's team won the District 49 Little League Softball Championship (say that three times fast)
We are so proud of the girls and how hard they have worked!


They now move onto the next tournament July 7th that is being held here in Victorville.


Softball Sisters!

I love softball! I played growing up and in high school. Now I am content to play slow-pitch with the local city teams and do a lot of coaching.

These girls are from a neighboring league - they are super sweet and I loved photographing them!

I'm getting caught up! Today I received a new backdrop so I definitely have to play around with it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Couple

My next feature is a gorgeous couple that had a session "just because" They were so fun to work with and we got a lot of cute shots that captured their love :)

The weather is heating up in the desert... finally! My husband has enjoyed the cool temps, but I'm ready for the weather change. Hope everyone is starting their week off great!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Its been over a month since my last post! Life has been really busy and for a while there I was wondering if we should just quit paying our mortgage and live out of the cars! But then I wouldn't have my studio, and that would kind of stink. And then I would need a place for all my stuff too. I guess I pay the mortgage so all our stuff has a place to hang out!

Anyway - its time to play catch up. As I post each session, I will give an update on what was going on at the time.

First up! 2011 Senior - now a graduate! Such an awesome girl!

We had to cancel one of her outdoor sessions because of the wind. Then everytime I would think about calling her to if she wanted to head out - the wind was there again. Finally it got to the point where she was getting ready to graduate, so it was now or never!

Again, such a lovely lady and some college is getting a GREAT student in the fall!