Its been over a month since my last post! Life has been really busy and for a while there I was wondering if we should just quit paying our mortgage and live out of the cars! But then I wouldn't have my studio, and that would kind of stink. And then I would need a place for all my stuff too. I guess I pay the mortgage so all our stuff has a place to hang out!
Anyway - its time to play catch up. As I post each session, I will give an update on what was going on at the time.
First up! 2011 Senior - now a graduate! Such an awesome girl!

We had to cancel one of her outdoor sessions because of the wind. Then everytime I would think about calling her to if she wanted to head out - the wind was there again. Finally it got to the point where she was getting ready to graduate, so it was now or never!
Again, such a lovely lady and some college is getting a GREAT student in the fall!