Thursday, March 25, 2010

Field trip!

I took a day off and we went on a field trip with our homeschooling group to the Devil's Punchbowl.
Don't worry, there is nothing evil about it!

It was especially nice because my kids had spent the night at Grandma's house (who happens to be minutes away from the PunchBowl) so I made the morning drive by myself. Which meant I could stop and take pictures at my leisure and I didn't have to explain to anyone why...
This series will be in two sets - scenic first, and then people photos second...

This grove of trees I have been meaning to take a picture of. Its on the way to my mother in laws house, but my husband hates to stop when we are so close. So I did!

This is a shot of the mountains after one makes the turn and goes behind the first set of hills. you can't see it this well from the Highway.

The Loop trail was a good hike... the next time we go I definitely want to take more time and relax down by the stream. The kids were just so excited they turned it into a power hike.
Afterwards we went to Grandma's house to have lunch...what a great day!

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