Saturday, May 15, 2010

Catching up!

Oh my! I have fallen behind in my posting again!
Well, its been busy over here... Little League is coming to a close so we are busy checking standings and prepping for closing day ceremonies and All-Stars.
This year I will be organizing the manager/coaches/umpires softball tournament, and that just thrills me. Last year was so much fun! But this year I am setting a deadline so that we can get shirts and pins ordered ahead of time!

I think today's post is going to be for the Read family. They are moving *tear* and I will miss Mom and the girls so much! They truly make me work for my money, lol! But I enjoy it and will miss being the photographer they won't smile for :P

I hope to not fall too far behind... I have been shooting for a few teams this season and I still have wedding photos to process as well as a few sessions

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