Monday, October 29, 2007

Oct 29, 2007

Welcome to my new blog! All the happenings at the studio with be posted here! That includes new promotions, my latest sessions, and basically anything studio -related.

So, let's see what is new!

The holiday season is around the corner. If you haven't booked yet, or you know someone that wants to book and hasn't....tell them to hurry!!! I don't have many open spots left. You must have a session prior to November 30th and order by December 10th in order to guarantee Christmas delivery. I will still be having sessions in December, but the guarantee for Christmas delivery is not there.

Speaking of which, yesterday I had a session with a family that made sure they booked EARLY! We met at a local park and took advantage of the lovely weather and fall color.

It was a pleasure to work with this family - Miss H definitely wanted me to work hard to capture her!
She brought her Halloween costume to the session - she is going to be Nemo, and her little sister is going to be Squirt!

Miss S was such a happy baby who loved to talk to me as I was taking pictures.

Jennifer, I will be in touch with you very soon to show you your proofs!