Sunday, March 27, 2011

Girls Softball

What a way to start off the season. The Junior White Sox girls are 2-0! Yesterday we were in Silver Lakes for my oldest daughter's game. Silver Lakes is a beautiful community, I have shot there many times, mostly by the lake and the park.
My daughter is currently the catcher for her team, and I think she is a pretty darn good one for just starting last season!

I feel very sorry for all the pitchers out there that have to face my daughters. Both have a habit of hitting right back at the pitcher. Thankfully on this one, Courtney hit it into the ground and just startled the player enough to cause a throwing error that allowed her to reach 1st base.

And for those that noticed...yes - I see that split in her glove. Her dad will take care of it ASAP!

Love you, Courtney!


We are supposed to have great weather leading into April - I am so excited and can't wait! I have a session on Friday with a gorgeous little girl! I also have to get my rear in gear and get my kids' sports pictures done!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Opening Day 2011

Opening day went off without a hitch! We made it to the park on time, the kids paraded with their teams and then my son played the opening game and the team WON!!!
I have three different teams to cheer for : White Sox, Dodgers, and Orioles...I have something to wear for the White Sox and Dodgers, but not the Orioles - yikes!

Oh well, at least I have some pictures from the game...

It was very cold with blustery wind. I could barely hold my camera still because my hands were frozen and shaking. Time to get a monopod!!!

Saturday I will get to take some pictures of my oldest at her game - I am so excited because her games are very action packed!

I know it doesn't look like it, but spring is here! Time to start booking those outdoor and lush garden type sessions! We will be doing a Mini-session day in April - check out the Facebook page for more details!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pageant Time!

Time for the Miss Barstow pageant again! I love the ideas the families come up with!

This session we did a mix of outdoor and studio, which I love..and the light outside was perfect!
Good luck girls! I hope you win something!

Soooo... I am officially sick. I fought it off till late Sunday and I woke up on Monday a mess. I don't have it nearly as badly as my children do, but enough to make me miserable. So don't touch me, or let me breathe on you. All sessions for the week are canceled because they involved little ones, so I had to reschedule them. This is not a virus I want to share!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Charity Softball Tournament!

This past Saturday we had a full day of softball. It was a charity tournament, and 12 mens teams joined in the fun. Our team took 2 out of 3 games, and they played great! I think all the men had a good time and they deserve a huge pat on the back.
Our thoughts go out to the family of this little boy and to all families that have children fighting cancer.

Sliding into 2nd...

Ah, he caught me taking his picture.... nice hit.

One of the best pitchers in the HD!

He didn't take long to slide headfirst into 2nd.

Such a smooth swing...

Good job guys!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cute little boy!

I'm always glad to have the little ones in the studio. The last time I photographed this wee one, he was about 3 months old and he gave me about 15 minutes of his time.
We are getting better, this time I was able to snag 30 minutes and then he was done. I did get some really cute captures though!

What a cutie, huh?

Thanks for coming in, guys we will see you at your ordering appointment!


I have been running around like crazy this week... I just know its going to get even busier. We were at a softball charity tournament (pics to come) and then a regular day of softball and another session on Sunday.
I love it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sterling Inn

Today I traveled to the east end of Victorville to do some photography work at the Sterling Inn. These are for their website to promote their assisted living services for senior citzens. Beautiful facility, with a very friendly staff.

Many thanks for having me come out!


Today is such a gorgeous day! I wish we could have gone out to the park with our friends and spent the day. My kids are sick and the only way I know that they are REALLY sick is because no one wanted to get dressed and go play. They must truly be sick. :-(
Thankfully I am not sick, so I can still have my portrait session with a 6 month old baby boy tomorrow. I am so excited!
Then Saturday we will be out at the park for the charity tournament. Very cool to see all these teams playing and helping a great cause.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One of my favorite couples!

They are friends of mine, and parents to one of the cutest babies ever!

Love you guys!!


This weekend I will be out at a softball tournament for the BumbleBee Foundations. To read the story behind it and find out what the money is for go to :The Bumblebee Foundation Page and check it out. There will be a snack bar and a RAFFLE! So bring your cash and you can win some really cool prizes!
Naturally I will be taking pictures of the mens teams that are taking part in this fundraiser!