Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for my husband, my children, my family, my friends and of course my wonderful clients. Enjoy the times with the people you love most and just forget all the rest!
I love the fall color in the mountains. Every year we go to my in-laws house since they moved (except that one year I worked and then I made the rule to never do that again!) and every year I want to stop and just take a picture of the road leading to their house.
THis year Tim and I made the trek alone because our kids had already been there since Tuesday. So I made him stop so I could get out and shoot. He is such a good man!

I'm loving all those oranges and yellows!

Today is Black Friday... I stayed home because there was nothing out there worth getting into a fight over, lol. Plus I have two sessions today that I would prefer to be awake for!

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday! Support a local business in your area! We appreciate it!

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