Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After Christmas....

Did everyone have a great Christmas? I hope so!

Everything was wonderful this year for our family. The kids received lots of gifts, and I was so proud of how grateful they were for them. Lots of sharing going on between the kids...each of them received something different that there was no problem trading for a little bit so they could each try out new toys. My oldest got her wish - a new laptop...which means I can have mine back. My middle child received a camera, and so there is a lot of picture taking going on in this house :) My son got a DSIXL which just makes him sooooo happy!

My husband and I were given a microwave, which if you know us, you know why that was such a good gift to get! We have been without one for several months, and I have had no desire to buy one. But they are convenient, and it was nice to heat water in a few seconds, not several minutes this morning. I guess it can stay, lol!

Withe Christmas over now, I look forward to planning 2011. There are so many things to look forward to, new clients, new friends, new events to capture. I hope that everyone is enjoying this lovely weekend.

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