Monday, January 3, 2011

A Lost Tooth!

No....we are not offering a reward for it!

My son lost his second tooth today. He is sooo cute, they way he already has it wrapped up in a plastic baggie for the tooth fairy to retrieve tonight. Ahem...the "TOOTH FAIRY" seems to be out of cash at the moment, but I know her personally and she is incredibly intelligent and she will think of something.
I took a picture of him to post, but our internet connection seems to be down for the moment, hence I am posting this from my husbands phone. Bummer.
Today was so cold, but we managed to go out and meet a friend for a playmate and then went to the community center to pay for our softball teams. My husband can't wait!
I hope all the locals enjoyed our snow in some way or another, and it didn't inconvenience you too much.
Until tomorrow.....

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